Because not long ago I used to wake up every morning, feeling exhausted, drained and worn out.
I had everything I ever thought I wanted, the perfect corporate job, the beau of my dreams, the house, the car, you name it, BUT there was still something missing...
And then, while I was aimlessly surfing the internet, I came across a little pearl of wisdom, that would change my life, forever.
"Most people die at twenty and are buried at eighty."
That was all I needed. This tiny little phrase, forced me to take a sincere look of myself, my life, my mental attitude AND my daily habits.
I realised, that underneath the polished facade, of the caring daughter, the loving sister, the exceptional scholar, the noted professional and the sexy wife; a numbed, half-breathing soul, was hiding; secretly wishing her days away, always waiting for that unbelievably, awesome "someday" that would definently come.
And suddenly I knew.
This day, this moment, this IS my life and I better start living it, my way, before it is too late.
Scared to the bone, of the newly discovered truth, I realized that, I had no clue of how I wanted to live my life. And so, I’ve spent 2 long {seriously loooooong} years, trying to put together my life's puzzle; having no idea, of how all the pieces were ever going to fit together.
And after everything my parents, my teachers, my friends or the outside world, at large, have taught me about living a happy, meaningful life, failed; I just kept on, trying to figure out what clicks for me what makes my heart sing and my feet tingle.
When I discovered my passion for Coaching, I was finally there, I had reached a place of effortless living. I was home! Everything simply made sense, everything fit together perfectly.
Now, my mission is to help YOU, get to that place.
I want you to get your mojo back and wake up every day brimming with excitement and anticipation, ready to take on the world.
Work With Me

Are you ready and willing to live your A Life?
If you are sick and tired of being buried under hundreds of layers of musts and shoulds, let me help you, get your mojo back.
I want to help YOU lay down your new "Inspired for Life" foundations, put your foot on the acceleration pedal, gain momentum and take your life to the next level.
The Inspired for Life Sessions, will help you up your game and live your best life!
What are you waiting for?
If you are sick and tired of being buried under hundreds of layers of musts and shoulds, let me help you, get your mojo back.
I want to help YOU lay down your new "Inspired for Life" foundations, put your foot on the acceleration pedal, gain momentum and take your life to the next level.
The Inspired for Life Sessions, will help you up your game and live your best life!
What are you waiting for?
On a more formal note, I have an educational background in Marketing & Business Administration, extensive experience in Senior Management positions and currently apart from successfully running my coaching practice I'm also a member of the training team, of the Athens Coaching Institute, one of the leading providers of coach training in Europe.
Want More?
Get to know me better through this rather pitchy list of 29 things you didn't know about me!
Learn more about what Life Coaching is and how it can help you get inspired for life.
Treat yourself to these lovely Freebies! I know, you're gonna love them.
Visit the Blog, the heart of this website, where I share, with you, tips and thoughts on how to create your best life and business, one easy step after another.
Or Check out the Inspirational Quotes , section for Famous Quotes, Positive Affirmations and all sorts of inspiring posts, to lift your spirits up.
Learn more about what Life Coaching is and how it can help you get inspired for life.
Treat yourself to these lovely Freebies! I know, you're gonna love them.
Visit the Blog, the heart of this website, where I share, with you, tips and thoughts on how to create your best life and business, one easy step after another.
Or Check out the Inspirational Quotes , section for Famous Quotes, Positive Affirmations and all sorts of inspiring posts, to lift your spirits up.
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