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Even though life coaching has been around for decades, during the last year of my coaching practice, I realised how little people actually know about what life coaching is and how it can help them get more satisfaction, not to mention joy, out of life. Most of my clients are a lot like myself a few years back. They have everything they thought they should have and still feel dissatisfied {ring any bells?}. What they need is a change and sooner or later they bump onto this site, still without having a clear idea of how life coaching can help them, but they take the leap anyway and buy the Inspired for Life Coaching Pack . |
Thinking about Hiring a Coach? Read this list of 10 thing you may not know about life coaching.
"Will this help me turn my life around?"
"What if coaching is not for me?"
"What if I don’t see any results and find myself both stuck AND resentful?"
So, today I'm sharing with you, 10 things, you might not know about life coaching, to help you better understand how it can help you start moving forward, into the life you want.
Allow me to begin with some breaking news...
2. Coaching will not create an extraordinary life for you. You will. And it all starts with your burning desire to change, grow and evolve. If you're ok with settling for less than you know you deserve, coaching might not be a great fit for you.
3. Coaching is not therapy, mentoring, consulting or counselling. A coach will not heal your emotional traumas, will not hand you all the answers and will not tell you what to do.
4. You can use coaching to take a snap-shot of your life, as it is in this moment and briefly look at your journey here, from a new, overwhelm-free perspective, but do not expect to stay there too long. Coaching is future-based and during coaching, your energy will be focused towards what could be rather than what has been.
5. What most people lack in life, is a clear, spine-tingling vision, of what their ideal life looks and feels like. Sure, we all have a vague idea of success but what does being successful really means to you? Not your parents, not your partner, not your boss, YOU. Coaching can help you create your own definition of success and if you want to thrive in life and business, on your own terms, coaching might be just what you need.
7. Coaching loves action! Be prepared to do some homework, take specific action steps and try new ways of thinking and doing things. Having access to effective coaching tools and resources will also help accelerate the process of reaching your goals, while the encouragement and support of your coach, can prove to be invaluable.
8. By breaking everything down, into the next action, coaching can be profoundly useful for people who feel stuck, lack direction, in their personal or professional life or are mastering the art of procrastination. No action is too small for coaching and tiny-mini-baby steps are celebrated and acknowledged because it is these small everyday wins, that pave the way to larger more meaningful victories.
9. When you are actively involved in the process of changing your own life, instead of passively living through it, a fair amount of fear, anxiety, overwhelm and vulnerability, can be created and you might be tempted to look for reasons, not to have to change a.k.a. to quit. In a coaching partnership you always have permission to relax, a bit. Take some time to let everything sink in and make things work for you, instead of against you.
And finally...
10. Coaching is FUN, not to mention rewarding. Think about it, you grant yourself permission {maybe even for the first time, in forever} to be genuinely YOU. To use your wants and desires, as your baseline to design and build your new life. You are freeing yourself from limiting beliefs and disempowering thoughts and you get to witness your own transformation into a happier, more fulfilled person. How cool is that?
I know I am biassed when I say that hiring a life coach, can be one of the best investments, you’ll ever make, in yourself but it is. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, why don’t you try coaching on, to get a first-hand experience, of what it feels like being coached, being supported and encouraged to identify your dreams, pinpoint what’s blocking you from achieving them and then develop specific steps to make them a reality. |
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About Me Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a personal motivator and coach, passionate about reigniting the spark in people both in life and business. My specialty? Getting people to ACT by breaking anything down, into to the next action! I work with passion driven women to help them set their priorities straight and and thrive in life and business, on their own terms. Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected] |
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