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Are you postponing your own happiness?
I say, enough with the waiting. Life is happening right now. This is it. This day, this moment, this is your life and it’s up to you, to make the best of it.
So, here are a few tips to help you embrace your every day life, experience joy and make the best of whatever comes your way, with grace.
Ready? Take a deep breath and get ready to kick it up a notch!
- Wake up Early If you have to be on the road by 8.30, make yourself a favour and don’t wake up at 8.00. Set your alarm a few minutes before the chaos of the day sets in, so you can breathe, read a book, journal for a few minutes, sip your coffee in peace, make love, shave your legs, you name it… This way when the time comes for you to really get going, you will be ready for it all.
- Start your day with Gratitude I cannot stress this enough. Every day, when you wake up make sure you start your day off with gratitude. Write down, think of or say aloud, at least one thing for which you are grateful, today. Small or large it doesn’t really matter. Expressing gratitude is also a powerful tool you can use whenever you need to feel better, in a short period of time.
- Pick your Battles Stop draining your self everyday, by making a conscious decision to stop power struggling with people, over things that have no importance whatsoever. Really, it’s that simple. Not all battles are fight-worthy so, pick yours wisely. Not everything is a crisis. Not everything is to be taken personally. Not everything is there to intentionally hurt you. That’s all I’m saying.
- Stay Connected with your Friends Let’s admit it, friends make the world a better place. So today, do yourself a favour and connect with a friend. Just pick up the phone and have an actual conversation with someone you haven’t talked to in a while, write them an email or go out for a cup of coffee. And while you are at it, let them know how much you appreciate them. It’s the greatest gift you can give yourself, today and you know it!
- Pamper yourself Silly Sometimes all we need for a good battery recharge is a little indulgence. So, take some time for yourself today. Go for a walk, dim the lights and have a chilled glass of wine, get a mani, listen to some music. Whatever you do, use the time to tune into yourself and really enjoy your mini break.
- Meditate It’s easy. Just sit down on a pillow, straighten your back, cross your legs, place your hands on your knees and breathe. That’s it. Focus on your breath, going in and out of your nostrils. You can set a timer to five minutes, so you don’t open your eyes to check your watch every now and then. Just a few minutes of daily meditation can have enormous health benefits. Try it.
- Give yourself permission to screw up Yes you can do that. Let go of the need to be perfect. Take a risk. Allow yourself to fail. You heard me. Stop placing unrealistic demands on yourself and accept the inevitability of making mistakes.
What do you do daily to invite more happiness into your life?
What simple activities or tricks do you use to keep yourself in tip-top spiritual, emotional and physical health?
Do tell!
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Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a personal motivator and coach, passionate about reigniting the spark in people both in life and business. My specialty? Getting people to ACT by breaking anything down, into to the next action!
I work with passion driven women to help them set their priorities straight and and thrive in life and business, on their own terms.
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]
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