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Go for it, anyway!
The deeply alive and decisive part of myself, takes over and I am ready to do the work necessary to create the life I want for myself.
- Sometimes your idea, product, service -whatever- seems like an utter and complete failure. Go for it, anyway!
- Sometimes the people around you sound critical and unsupported. Go for it, anyway!
- Sometimes you terrorise yourself with visions of how bad your failure will be. Go for it, anyway!
- Sometimes you feel like you are simply not good enough. Go for it, anyway!
- Sometimes success seems more elusive than ever. Go for it, anyway!
Instead of stopping in your tracks, consciously make a decision to Go, for it, anyway!
"But what if I try and fail?" "What if it doesn't work out?"
Do not deprive yourself of that feeling. No matter how things turn out in the end, you will still be on your way to becoming the person you were meant to be.
What are you waiting for?
Go for it, anyway!
Remember, if you have a question you’d like me to personally answer, email me at [email protected]
Thank you for Sharing the Love.
Are your "Buts" in the Way of your Dreams? | How to Live a Passion Driven Life, one day at a time.
Are you holding yourself back? | Break free from your own limiting beliefs, starting today
Overcoming the Fear of Failure | How I Rejected the Illusions of Fear and you can too
Nichole, is a Life Change Architect and a Motivational Speaker, Coaching, Writing and Running Workshops about Personal Growth and Positive Change.
Connect with Nichole on Facebook or email her at [email protected]
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