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...OR Did you know that inside your head and mine, there is a sneaky little story telling, Gremlin?
Now, that's what I call, a Gremlin (or an inner critic, or a self defeating inner voice, or a negative chatter) and no matter what you call that voice, the truth is, we all have one.
Let me introduce you to George, my very own green skinned, elf eared, yellow eyed, crocked nosed, wiry and slightly funny, tiny, little George. My Gremlin.
You see George, for more than 30 years, managed to convince me that he was me. True Story.
He showed up, with an endless list of limiting messages, trying to get me to settle for what I already had and give up on this new crazy, profoundly unattainable new idea, that I would soon regret, ever having. And, after the first few terrible consequences, of my future actions, were pompously announced, I was already convinced, George was right and so, I instantly gave up on the idea altogether.
And that's what Gremlins excel at, silently sabotaging your life, after persuading you, that everything they say, is actually in your best interest.
A powerful Gremlin will encourage you to make the easy, less painful choice, ideally by staying put where you are, never taking any kind of risk (God forbid) and they will often go for the full gilt trip adding sneaky comments like "Remember back in high school, when you failed to make the Volleyball team? You are not good with sports, just admit the fact and stop fantasising about running the marathon. It will never happen. Trust me. I am only trying to protect you, here."
A few years back, my George has kept me from taking a job at a highly prestigious fashion group, because "You don't have an idea what you are getting yourself into. How can you ever expect to run the whole marketing department without any fashion background? These people will chew you up and spit you out. Just stay at your current job, where you know how everything works and maybe ask for a raise but don't leave. It's nuts. And I'm telling you, don't come crying back if you lose that job in a month or two, cause you know that's exactly what's going to happen, right?"
And that's just an example because one way conversations with our little Gremlins are a daily routine.
Most of us have become so accustomed to their harsh judgment, of our Gremlin, that we are convinced that optimism, dreaming and self confidence are but delusions for the young and naive.
Still not convinced, there is a little Gremlin inside your head? Well, take a few minutes, close your eyes and think about winning the lottery, tonight. There he is, right? Laughing at the very idea. Telling you it's ridiculous to even think about it. That this whole post is ridiculous and that you know better than that.
And yet people win the lottery every day, all over the world. But not you. It could never happen to you. Your Gremlin just said so, your Gremlin would never lie to you...
And it's not just that, Gremlins are cunning, always presenting you with the version of the truth that suits them better. Your Gremlin, has probably even changed my question from "Think about winning the lottery, tonight" to something more like "Think about winning 2 billion dollars at the lottery, tonight" because he wanted to make sure you felt like the odds where against you.
That's how the cookie crumbles!
Our First Weekly Challenge - Listen to Your Gremlin Week
Whenever you find your thoughts indulging in self-sabotage, gently remind yourself that this is your Gremlin talking. Then write down his attacks, whether on your computer or on a napkin and put them away for a day or two, then go back to your notes and read them, later. It will be delightfully refreshing. In most cases you will realise, that almost everything that sounded just right in your head, now looks irrelevant and wildly pessimistic.
Next week I will write more on personifying and constructively managing your Gremlin.
Enjoy this week's challenge, have fun with it and share with me your experience with your Gremlin. George needs new friends to play with!

Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a personal motivator and coach, passionate about reigniting the spark in people both in life and business. My specialty? Getting people to ACT by breaking anything down, into to the next action!
I work with passion driven women to help them set their priorities straight and and thrive in life and business, on their own terms.
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]
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