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What is a toleration, anyway?
I was stunned, to know that tolerations can fall into so many categories. I honestly had no idea. So, it's not just the big stuff that we endure --as I thought-- like a dead end job or an unsupported family, that constitute a toleration, it is also the hundreds of tiny nuisances we put up with, every day, like an overdue haircut, a messy desk or a burnt out light bulb.
Now, here is the deal.
Tolerations whether big or small, are huge energy drains.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way.
So, let's cut to the nitty gritty, shall we?
1. Take some time to look around your life. What are you putting up with? What are you tolerating, settling for or even procrastinating about? Remember, anything that bugs you is a toleration, not just the big things --like a stressful job--, it could be something minor like a messy junk drawer or an overflowing email inbox.
2. Go ahead and make a list of all those things you are currently tolerating, in your life. You might want to build more than one lists and have a separate list for the things that annoy you in your home, your workplace, your relationships, your habits etc. Be creative have fun and keep writing until you run out of things to write. Don't worry, you can always come back and add to your list.
3. Read through your list. By putting everything on paper and becoming aware of all those things you tolerate can be quite therapeutic, in itself. Some nuisances are hidden so well, we can hardly identify them and yet just like the humming noise of desktop computers, you rarely realize how loud they are, until you shut them down. And then, Oooh the silence!
4. Organize your list. From things that can be eliminated easily, like making a phone call, cleaning off your desk or booking a mani appointment, to things that can take more time and effort to get rid of and even things you think you can hardly do anything about, like a disrespectful family member, or the traffic on your way to work.
5. Start scratching things off your list. Every journey starts with the first step, and I suggest you make yours an easy one to take! So, start with small and easy things and gradually work your way to the big stuff. When you eliminate the simple things from your life you are freeing up an incredible amount of energy you can now use to zap the serious stuff that are dragging you down.
6. Celebrate your progress. Go out, have dinner with a friend, buy yourself a little something to remind you of how far you've come! Take some time to appreciate the amazing swift in your energy, that comes with eliminating even just a few of your tolerations. That sense of freedom and relief. Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to its fullest and you are already well on your way. Celebrate it!
7. Review your list regularly. Once a month, every 3 months or even once a year, you can go back and review your list. Is there something you have already eliminated but haven't crossed off yet? Are you tolerating anything new that was not originaly on your list? Is it easier for you to eliminate the new things on your list?
What are you waiting for? Zap your tolerations and increase your energy.
The relief was astonishing. I felt "lighter" and more effective in almost everything I did and I realized that the small stuff I was tolerating, even though not overwhelming individually, had a tremendous effect on me, weighting me down in a way I could really grasp.
What are you waiting for? Take some time to write down all the things you tolerate and start changing them, one by one. You may have 10 or you may have 200. It doesn't matter. Call the plumber, get the haircut, organize your closet, make the phone call, pay the bills and you may be surprised to see that sometimes it's the little things that make the big difference.
What are you tolerating in your life?
Make the list, give it a go and let me know how it went for you.
Remember, if you have a question you’d like me to personally answer,
email me at [email protected]
Thank you for Sharing the Love.
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Nichole, is a Life Change Architect and a Motivational Speaker, Coaching, Writing and Running Workshops about Personal Growth and Positive Change.
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