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Warning! Letting go of the old and Moving on with your life, may cause Happiness!
I used to attach meaning to everything that happened to me. And I mean everything, from a client email, complaining about the service quality he has receiving to a broken pipe in the bathroom that flooded my entire apartment while I was at work, everything was immediately labeled as good or bad. And then I would spend countless hours thinking about it, feeling trapped in my own interpretation of what happened or in the meaning I have attached to the situation.
But sometimes what now seems like a wonderful stroke of luck, might turn out to be something less fortunate after all, while a misfortune might bring you everything you ever wanted. Everything in life is cyclical and attaching meaning to every little thing that happens to you, is nothing but a big fat waste of time.
This 2.000 year old Chinese story helped me change the way I chose to experience and interact with everything that is happening to me on a daily basis.
The Chinese tell a story, of a farmer who buys a horse, after years of saving his hard earned money.
A few months later, the horse runs away. The entire village gathers in front of his house and tries to console him. "We are so sorry about your horse. This is such a misfortune". The old farmer looks at them and says "Good news, bad news, who can tell?"
A few days later, the horse comes back and brings a herd of wild horses with him. Again the people from the village gather in front of the house and cry joyously "How wonderful this is. You are so lucky!" The farmer stands still and replies "Good news, bad news, who can tell?"
Right the next day, the farmer's son rides one of the wild horses and gets thrown, badly breaking both his legs. Devastated the villages gather once again in front of the farmer's house crying for his misfortune. The old man looks at them and whispers "Good news, bad news, who can tell?"
In a week or so, the emperor's men come and draft every able-bodied young man to fight in a war. The farmer's son is excused because of two broken legs.
Good news, you might say...
Well, Good news, Bad news, Who can Tell?
So, now, no matter what happens, I take the time to internalise it properly, acknowledge it for what it really is, accept the feelings that emerge from my experience -anger, fear, joy, excitement- find the lesson or the blessing it carries and then I gently let it go.
And no, it is not always easy. Sometimes I get a strong impulse to over-analyse what happened, to tell myself dramatic stories of how it is going to play out eventually, to have a definite opinion about why it happened and whether it was a good or a bad thing. But now, I have the tools to use to simply make peace with the moment, as it is and move on to the next one, keeping my commitment to living my best life.
After all, there are no guarantees in life, so no matter what happens make a conscious choice to experience, appreciate, learn and grow from it, until something new happens, a new experience that will carry you further on your way to the person you inspire to become.

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Now, why don't you take an inventory of your life to find out what it is that you need to let go of, in order to move forward.
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Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a Life Change Architect and a Motivational Speaker, Coaching, Writing and Running Workshops about Personal Growth and Positive Change.
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