How many times growing up did you tell your parents about your dreams of being a professional dancer, a tennis player, a writer, a rock start, or an actor? | |
Owning your Plan A, is the best course of action, with Plan B nothing more than a monkey on your back preventing you from getting to where you want to go.
If you just heard an audible gasp, it probably came from your own lips as you realised that what you are about to read here goes against everything ever taught to you about how to live your life or run your business, sensibly.
I know, because I’ve been there, not long ago. But now I firmly believe, that owning my Plan A, is the best course of action for me, with Plan B nothing more than a monkey on my back preventing me from getting to where I want to go, or at least stalling me.
How you are ever going to get what you want or dream of out of life, if you don’t fully commit to it?
Do you think Tiger Woods had a Plan B, while training to become one of the top male golfers of all time? What about James LeBron or Michael Phelps? Do you think these all star athletes, woke up every morning thinking “Well at least if this doesn’t work, I can still go with my Plan B, of being a postman and be done with it.” ?
Having a Plan B in place is usually a sure sign that you are not ready to wholeheartedly commit to your goals.
And trust me, if you can’t even do that, you will have failed even before you began.
Let’s imagine for a moment that I had the idea for writing this post and decided to go ahead and write it, but also took time to craft a contradictory piece, just in case too many people made negative comments about this one. How would that first article ever come across as real or authentic if I had already crafted a way out?
In fact, to make things more interesting, why not go out there and ask your friends, coworkers or relatives, who along with their big dream, idea or goal, also had a Plan B and see how many of them are actually living their dream or their Plan B scenario and life.
It becomes altogether too easy to give up at the first sign of a roadblock, or when someone you know tells you that your goals will never be achieved. And you know what? Most of all the people that opted for Plan B don’t get through a single day without having some level of regret about not fully going after their Plan A...
It can be scary to go through life without a safety net, but it can also be incredibly thrilling and fulfilling. It’s much easier to do the right thing and make the right decisions when you know that your very life depends on getting it right.
So go ahead and ditch your Plan B, your best life awaits you.
Do you have a Plan B? And how do you think it effects your A life?
Let me know in the comments below.
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Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a personal motivator and coach, passionate about reigniting the spark in people both in life and business. My specialty? Getting people to ACT by breaking anything down, into to the next action!
I work with passion driven women to help them set their priorities straight and and thrive in life and business, on their own terms.
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]
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