You are a winner. | |
Time to Celebrate Your Wins.
And I am not talking about epic wins, like winning a gold metal in the olympics or writing a best selling book that will change the landscape of modern literature, in a heartbeat.
No, I’m talking about your “I cooked a delicious, healthy dinner for my family” kind of wins.
The wins you so easily dismiss, every day.
The “small" wins, that hold your life together.
During the next week, try to flex your winner muscles, using this super easy, extra fun exercise, I use with all my clients.
Every day, for the following 7 days, play Detective!
Look for small wins throughout your day. You made it to work on time (Hooray! Another Win!), you cooked a delicious meal for your family (Whee! Another Win for you!), you found the perfect parking spot (Woo-Hoo, Another Win, you are on fire!).
Think of it as being your own cheerleader, for a change and every time something goes well for you – a green light, a good piece of luck, something going ‘right’ … smile and shout to yourself out loud (or inside your head) “Another win!”
You will be amazed at how many good things happen to you everyday that go completely unnoticed.
Consciously celebrating your wins will give your brain a hit of dopamine like no other and you will feel a great surge of energy going through you and as Karl Weick says "Once a small win has been accomplished, forces are set in motion that favor another small win.”
Don't wait. Go celebrate one of your wins today and don’t forget to leave your comment below to let me know how it went!
Believe in yourself. Celebrate your wins.
Make Today Count.
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Happiness | 5 Tips to help you work your way from grumpy to happy
Back to the Basics | The Importance of Picking your Battles in Everyday Life
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Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a Life Change Architect and a Motivational Speaker, Coaching, Writing and Running Workshops about Personal Growth and Positive Change.
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]
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