I know how putting off some of the most important tasks of your day feels like. | |
Here’s how the story plays out for most of us, heart-driven entrepreneurs, when it comes to launching a new product, service, course, it doesn't really matter what it is, to be honest.
You are terrified of change. You know your life will change after the launch. That’s probably what's stopping you from hitting “Publish” in the first place. It's easier to stay where you are. It feels safe and you are willing to miss out on greatness, just so that you can hold on to that awkward safety, for a little bit longer.
Your product or service is majorly lacking, in one way or another. Nothing is ever good enough for you. You have unrealistic expectations for yourself, your team, your products, your services, you name it. You are constantly preparing and you can’t seem to bring yourself to launch your new product, or write that proposal, no matter what.
Your “what-ifs” are killing your enthusiasm. When everything is ready to go, and your product or service is one click away from being published and shared with your tribe, the “what-ifs” enter the scene, killing your buzz and stopping you in your tracks. You are suddenly scared of being judged by your peers, ridiculed by your clients, laugher at even. What if people hate you? What if they put you down? What if they question your authority to create such a product or service? What if?
Throwing too many, pity-parties for yourself. You’re always thinking of how you’ll never be good enough, savvy enough, happy enough or satisfied enough. You work on creating something awesome, only to spend the next weeks beating yourself up about it, thinking how you will never be able to pull it off.
Sounds just about right, doesn’t it?
Well, luckily enough, I also know, how liberating it feels when you actually push through your fears, bypass your perfectionism, get rid of your procrastination habit and actually put yourself out there, take action and follow your bliss.
That’s why I want to help you push through, whatever it is that’s keeping you from launching your new product, service, course, anything really.
Kick perfectionism to the curb. Reclaim your inner awesome.[tweet this]
1. 2. 3. 4. | Make peace with change. We all change, we grow, it’s part of life, it’s part of who we are as humans. Our needs change, our dreams evolve, new possibilities emerge. Take baby steps to pave your new path, if you have to, but don’t keep yourself locked in “what was”. End your pursuit of perfectionism. Even if your product or service doesn’t seem quite perfect to you, there are people out there that can benefit from it, right now. So, kick perfectionism to the curb and click submit, publish, send. Start before you're ready. There is no perfect time, you just have to dive in. Accept the inevitability of making mistakes. What if everything goes smoothly? What if launching this product or service is the best thing you have done in a while? What if people love it, exactly the way it is? Don’t let the illusion of fear, stop you from testing the boundaries of possibility, accept the inevitability of making mistakes and go for it anyway. Reclaim your inner awesome. And girl, don’t even get me started on the pity parties. You are worthy of love, joy, abundance, fulfilment. So, don’t sell yourself short, stretch your comfort zone and reclaim your inner awesome. |
I want you to be the girl who sticks it out and makes her dreams come true.
I did it. And I know you can do it too. So, let’s get moving already.
Make Today Count.
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About Me
Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a personal motivator and coach, passionate about reigniting the spark in people both in life and business. My specialty? Getting people to ACT by breaking anything down, into to the next action!
I work with passion driven women to help them set their priorities straight and and thrive in life and business, on their own terms.
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]
Hi, I'm Nichole, and I am a personal motivator and coach, passionate about reigniting the spark in people both in life and business. My specialty? Getting people to ACT by breaking anything down, into to the next action!
I work with passion driven women to help them set their priorities straight and and thrive in life and business, on their own terms.
Connect with me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]
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